Unlocking the Power of p-dropdown: How to Get Two Properties in Onchange Event
Image by Willess - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of p-dropdown: How to Get Two Properties in Onchange Event

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Are you tired of struggling to access multiple properties in the onchange event of a p-dropdown component? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to effortlessly retrieve two properties in a single onchange event, revolutionizing the way you work with dropdowns in your PrimeFaces projects.

Understanding the p-dropdown Component

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly review the p-dropdown component and its onchange event. The p-dropdown is a popular PrimeFaces component used to create dropdown menus with various options. When a user selects an option from the dropdown, the onchange event is triggered, allowing you to perform actions based on the selected item.

The Onchange Event Conundrum

By default, the onchange event of a p-dropdown component only provides access to the selected item’s value. But what if you need to access additional properties, such as the label or ID, associated with the selected item? This is where things get tricky.

The Solution: Using a Custom Value Object

The key to accessing multiple properties in the onchange event lies in using a custom value object. Instead of simply passing a list of strings or primitive values to the p-dropdown, we’ll create a custom object that encapsulates the properties we need to access.

public class CustomItem {
    private String id;
    private String label;
    private String description;

    // Getters and setters
    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) {
        this.id = id;

    public String getLabel() {
        return label;

    public void setLabel(String label) {
        this.label = label;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public void setDescription(String description) {
        this.description = description;

In this example, we’ve created a CustomItem class with three properties: id, label, and description. We’ll use this object to populate our p-dropdown component.

Populating the p-dropdown with Custom Items

Now that we have our custom value object, let’s populate the p-dropdown with a list of CustomItem instances.

    <f:selectItems value="#{myBean.customItems}" />

In our backing bean, we’ll create a list of CustomItem instances and expose it to the view.

public class MyBean {
    private List<CustomItem> customItems;

    public void init() {
        customItems = new ArrayList<>();

        CustomItem item1 = new CustomItem();
        item1.setLabel("Item 1");
        item1.setDescription("This is item 1");

        CustomItem item2 = new CustomItem();
        item2.setLabel("Item 2");
        item2.setDescription("This is item 2");


    public List<CustomItem> getCustomItems() {
        return customItems;

Accessing Multiple Properties in the Onchange Event

Now that our p-dropdown is populated with custom items, let’s see how we can access multiple properties in the onchange event.

    <f:selectItems value="#{myBean.customItems}" />
    <p:ajax event="change" listener="#{myBean.handle onchange}" />

In our backing bean, we’ll create a method to handle the onchange event.

public void handleOnchange(SelectEvent event) {
    CustomItem selectedItem = (CustomItem) event.getObject();

    String id = selectedItem.getId();
    String label = selectedItem.getLabel();
    String description = selectedItem.getDescription();

    // Perform actions with the accessed properties
    System.out.println("Selected item ID: " + id);
    System.out.println("Selected item label: " + label);
    System.out.println("Selected item description: " + description);

As you can see, we’ve successfully accessed the id, label, and description properties of the selected item using the CustomItem object.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to keep in mind:

  • Use a converter: If you need to convert the CustomItem object to a string representation for display purposes, you can use a converter. PrimeFaces provides a built-in converter called SelectItemsConverter.
  • Implement Serializable: Make sure your custom value object implements the Serializable interface to avoid potential issues with session serialization.
  • Use a more complex data structure: Depending on your requirements, you might need to use a more complex data structure, such as a nested object or a collection, to store additional properties.
  • Access properties in the view: If you need to access the properties in the view, you can use EL expressions, such as #{myBean.customItems[0].label}, to display the values.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated a straightforward approach to accessing multiple properties in the onchange event of a p-dropdown component. By using a custom value object, you can effortlessly retrieve additional properties associated with the selected item, unlocking new possibilities for your PrimeFaces projects.

Property Accessed Value
id Selected item ID
label Selected item label
description Selected item description

Remember, the key to success lies in using a custom value object that encapsulates the properties you need to access. With this approach, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of the p-dropdown component and create more dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

Get Ready to Take Your PrimeFaces Development to the Next Level!

Now that you’ve mastered the art of accessing multiple properties in the onchange event, it’s time to take your PrimeFaces development skills to new heights. Experiment with different custom value objects, explore advanced features, and push the boundaries of what’s possible with PrimeFaces.

Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to get two properties in Onchange event of p-dropdown” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you stuck with getting two properties in the Onchange event of p-dropdown? Worry not, dear developer! We’ve got you covered. Check out these frequently asked questions to get the answers you need.

Q: How do I get the selected value and label in the Onchange event of p-dropdown?

A: You can get the selected value and label by using the `event.target.options[event.target.selectedIndex].text` for the label and `event.target.value` for the value. For example, `onchange={(e) => console.log(e.target.options[e.target.selectedIndex].text, e.target.value)}`.

Q: Can I get two custom properties from the p-dropdown options in the Onchange event?

A: Yes, you can! You can access the selected option’s custom properties using `event.target.options[event.target.selectedIndex].getAttribute(‘data-*’)`, where `*` is the name of your custom property. For example, `onchange={(e) => console.log(e.target.options[e.target.selectedIndex].getAttribute(‘data-id’), e.target.options[e.target.selectedIndex].getAttribute(‘data-name’))}`.

Q: How do I get the entire selected option object in the Onchange event of p-dropdown?

A: You can get the entire selected option object by using `event.target.options[event.target.selectedIndex]`. This will give you access to all the properties and attributes of the selected option. For example, `onchange={(e) => console.log(e.target.options[e.target.selectedIndex])}`.

Q: Can I use a function to get the two properties in the Onchange event of p-dropdown?

A: Yes, you can! You can define a function that takes the event as an argument and returns the two properties you need. For example, `const getProperties = (e) => ({ label: e.target.options[e.target.selectedIndex].text, value: e.target.value });` and then call this function in the Onchange event, `onchange={(e) => console.log(getProperties(e))}`.

Q: What if I need to get two properties from a nested object in the p-dropdown options?

A: You can access the nested object properties using dot notation or bracket notation. For example, if your option object has a property `details` with two properties `id` and `name`, you can access them like this: `onchange={(e) => console.log(e.target.options[e.target.selectedIndex].details.id, e.target.options[e.target.selectedIndex].details.name)}`.