How Can I Retrigger the Toast Notification Every Time the Server Action Is Called?
Image by Willess -

How Can I Retrigger the Toast Notification Every Time the Server Action Is Called?

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Are you tired of your toast notifications only appearing once, leaving your users wondering what’s going on? Do you want to retrigger that sweet, sweet toast notification every time the server action is called? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of toast notifications and explore the ways to retrigger them with ease.

What are Toast Notifications?

Before we dive into the good stuff, let’s quickly cover what toast notifications are. Toast notifications are small, non-intrusive alerts that pop up on the screen to inform the user of an event or action. They’re often used in web applications to notify users of updates, errors, or success messages. Think of them like a virtual pat on the back, saying “Hey, I’ve got this!”

The Problem: Toast Notifications Only Appearing Once

The issue at hand is that, by default, toast notifications only appear once. This means that if you trigger the same server action multiple times, the toast notification will only show up the first time. Not exactly what you want, right? You want that notification to pop up every time the server action is called, like a trusted companion by your side.

Solution 1: Using JavaScript to Retrigger the Toast Notification

One way to retrigger the toast notification is to use JavaScript. Specifically, you’ll want to use the `dispatchEvent` method to retrigger the event that triggers the toast notification. Here’s an example:

  const toastNotification = document.getElementById('toast-notification');
  const serverActionButton = document.getElementById('server-action-button');

  serverActionButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
    // Trigger the server action
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => {
        // Create a new event to retrigger the toast notification
        const event = new Event('toast-notification-event');

In this example, we’re listening for the `click` event on the server action button. When the button is clicked, we trigger the server action and create a new event called `toast-notification-event`. We then dispatch this event on the toast notification element, which will retrigger the toast notification.

Solution 2: Using a Timer to Retrigger the Toast Notification

Another approach is to use a timer to retrigger the toast notification. This method is useful if you want to create a delay between toast notifications or if you want to limit the frequency of notifications. Here’s an example:

  let timer = null;

  function triggerToastNotification() {
    // Clear the previous timer

    // Create a new timer to retrigger the toast notification
    timer = setTimeout(() => {
      // Trigger the toast notification
      const toastNotification = document.getElementById('toast-notification');
    }, 2000); // 2 second delay

  const serverActionButton = document.getElementById('server-action-button');
  serverActionButton.addEventListener('click', triggerToastNotification);

In this example, we’re using the `setTimeout` method to create a timer that will retrigger the toast notification after a 2 second delay. We’re also clearing the previous timer to prevent multiple timers from running at the same time.

Solution 3: Using a Flag to Retrigger the Toast Notification

If you want to retrigger the toast notification only when the server action is called again, you can use a flag to keep track of the state. Here’s an example:

  let shouldTriggerToastNotification = true;

  const serverActionButton = document.getElementById('server-action-button');
  serverActionButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
    // Trigger the server action
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => {
        if (shouldTriggerToastNotification) {
          // Trigger the toast notification
          const toastNotification = document.getElementById('toast-notification');

          // Reset the flag
          shouldTriggerToastNotification = false;

  // Reset the flag after a certain amount of time
  setTimeout(() => {
    shouldTriggerToastNotification = true;
  }, 5000); // 5 second delay

In this example, we’re using a flag called `shouldTriggerToastNotification` to keep track of whether the toast notification should be triggered. We set the flag to `true` initially, and then reset it to `false` after the toast notification is triggered. We also use a timer to reset the flag after a 5 second delay, so that the toast notification can be triggered again.

Best Practices for Retriggering Toast Notifications

When retriggering toast notifications, it’s essential to keep the following best practices in mind:

  • DON’T OVERDO IT: Retriggering toast notifications can be useful, but don’t overdo it. Too many notifications can be annoying and overwhelming for users. Limit the frequency and number of notifications.
  • BE CONSISTENT: Be consistent with your notification strategy. If you’re going to retrigger notifications, make sure it’s consistently done across your application.
  • CLEAR AND CONCISE: Keep your notifications clear and concise. Avoid lengthy messages or unnecessary information.
  • USER CONTROL: Give users control over notifications. Allow them to customize or disable notifications if they choose to.


And there you have it! Three solutions to retrigger toast notifications every time the server action is called. Remember to follow best practices and test your implementation thoroughly to ensure a seamless user experience. With these solutions, you’ll be well on your way to creating informative and engaging toast notifications that delight your users.

Solution Description
Using JavaScript to Retrigger the Toast Notification Uses the `dispatchEvent` method to retrigger the event that triggers the toast notification.
Using a Timer to Retrigger the Toast Notification Uses a timer to retrigger the toast notification after a delay.
Using a Flag to Retrigger the Toast Notification Uses a flag to keep track of the state and retrigger the toast notification only when the server action is called again.

Now, go forth and retrigger those toast notifications like a pro!

  1. MDN Web Docs: dispatchEvent
  2. W3Schools: setTimeout
  3. Material Design: Snackbars (Toast Notifications)

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about retriggering toast notifications!

How do I retrigger a toast notification every time my server action is called?

You can retrigger a toast notification by setting the `tag` property of the `ToastNotification` to a unique value each time the server action is called. This way, the notification will be treated as a new notification and will be displayed again.

What if I want to update the existing toast notification instead of retriggering a new one?

To update an existing toast notification, you can use the `ToastNotification.Update` method and pass in the updated content. You’ll need to keep track of the `NotificationId` or `Tag` of the original notification to update it correctly.

Can I retrigger a toast notification only if the user hasn’t dismissed the previous one?

Yes, you can achieve this by using the `ToastNotification.OnDismissed` event to track when the user dismisses the notification. Then, set a flag to indicate that the notification was dismissed. When the server action is called again, check the flag before retriggering the notification. If the flag is set, only then retrigger the notification.

How can I ensure that the toast notification is not retriggered multiple times if the server action is called rapidly?

One approach is to use a debounce function to limit the frequency of the notification retriggering. This way, even if the server action is called rapidly, the notification will only be retriggered after a certain period of time has passed.

Are there any platform-specific considerations I should be aware of when retriggering toast notifications?

Yes, different platforms have different guidelines and limitations for toast notifications. For example, on Android, you may need to use a `NotificationCompat.Builder` to ensure compatibility with different Android versions. On iOS, you’ll need to use `UNMutableNotificationContent` to update the notification content. Make sure to review the platform-specific documentation for any specific requirements.