How to Bind Two or More ScrollViews for Scrolling Together in SwiftUI?
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How to Bind Two or More ScrollViews for Scrolling Together in SwiftUI?

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Are you tired of dealing with individual ScrollViews that refuse to synchronize their scrolling behavior? Do you want to create a seamless user experience where multiple ScrollViews move in harmony? Well, you’re in luck! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to bind two or more ScrollViews for scrolling together in SwiftUI.

Understanding the Problem

By default, SwiftUI’s ScrollView is designed to work independently, which can lead to a frustrating user experience when dealing with multiple ScrollViews. Imagine a scenario where you have two ScrollViews side by side, and you want them to scroll together when the user interacts with either one. Without proper binding, the ScrollViews will ignore each other, making it difficult to achieve the desired synchronized scrolling behavior.

The Solution: Using @State and @Binding

The secret to binding multiple ScrollViews lies in using @State and @Binding properties in SwiftUI. By creating a shared state variable and binding it to multiple ScrollViews, you can make them respond to each other’s scrolling actions.

@State private var offset: CGFloat = .zero

var body: some View {
    HStack {
        ScrollView OffsetScrollView(offset: $offset) {
            // Content for ScrollView 1
        ScrollView OffsetScrollView(offset: $offset) {
            // Content for ScrollView 2

struct OffsetScrollView: View {
    @Binding var offset: CGFloat
    let content: Content

    init(offset: Binding, @ViewBuilder content: () -> Content) {
        self.offset = offset
        self.content = content()

    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
                .offset(y: -offset)
                .gesture(DragGesture().onChanged({ value in
                    self.offset = value.translation.height

How it Works

This solution uses a combination of @State and @Binding to create a shared state variable `offset` that’s bound to multiple ScrollViews. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

  1. The `@State` property `offset` is declared to store the current scroll offset.
  2. The `OffsetScrollView` struct is created to wrap each ScrollView, taking a `@Binding` property `offset` as an argument.
  3. In the `body` of the `OffsetScrollView`, the `content` view is offset by the negative value of the `offset` property using the `.offset(y: -offset)` modifier.
  4. The `DragGesture` is used to track the user’s scrolling action and update the `offset` property accordingly.
  5. Since the `offset` property is bound to multiple ScrollViews, changing its value in one ScrollView will automatically update the other ScrollViews.

Customizing the Scroll Behavior

By default, the above solution will make the ScrollViews scroll together in a synchronized manner. However, you might want to customize the scroll behavior to suit your specific needs. Here are some tips to help you achieve that:

Scaling the Scroll Offset

If you want the ScrollViews to scroll at different rates, you can scale the `offset` value before applying it to each ScrollView. For example:

ScrollView OffsetScrollView(offset: $offset, scale: 0.5) {
    // Content for ScrollView 1
ScrollView OffsetScrollView(offset: $offset, scale: 2.0) {
    // Content for ScrollView 2

In this example, the first ScrollView will scroll at half the rate of the second ScrollView.

Adding a Scroll Threshold

Sometimes, you might want to introduce a threshold before the ScrollViews start scrolling together. You can achieve this by adding a conditional statement to the `DragGesture` handler:

.gesture(DragGesture().onChanged({ value in
    if abs(value.translation.height) > 10 {
        self.offset = value.translation.height

In this example, the ScrollViews will only start scrolling together if the user scrolls more than 10 points.

Syncing ScrollViews with Different Content Height

When dealing with ScrollViews that have different content heights, you might want to adjust the scroll offset to ensure that the content remains aligned. You can achieve this by calculating the maximum content height and adjusting the scroll offset accordingly:

let maxHeight: CGFloat = max(contentHeight1, contentHeight2)
.offset(y: -min(offset, maxHeight))

In this example, the `maxHeight` variable is used to determine the maximum content height, and the `min` function is used to ensure that the scroll offset doesn’t exceed the maximum content height.


Binding multiple ScrollViews for scrolling together in SwiftUI requires a combination of @State and @Binding properties. By using the `OffsetScrollView` struct and customizing the scroll behavior to your specific needs, you can create a seamless user experience that synchronizes the scrolling behavior of multiple ScrollViews. Remember to experiment with different techniques and adjustments to achieve the desired scroll behavior for your app.


Here are some frequently asked questions related to binding multiple ScrollViews for scrolling together in SwiftUI:

Can I use this approach with more than two ScrollViews? Yes, you can use this approach with any number of ScrollViews. Simply create a single `@State` property and bind it to each ScrollView using the `OffsetScrollView` struct.
How do I handle scroll gestures when the user interacts with a single ScrollView? You can add a conditional statement to the `DragGesture` handler to detect when the user interacts with a single ScrollView. For example, you can check if the `offset` property is within a certain range before updating the other ScrollViews.
Can I use this approach with other types of views, such as List or CollectionView? Yes, you can use this approach with other types of views, such as List or CollectionView, as long as they support scrolling. Simply wrap the view in the `OffsetScrollView` struct and adjust the scroll behavior accordingly.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you understand how to bind multiple ScrollViews for scrolling together in SwiftUI. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Need to synchronize the scrolling of multiple ScrollViews in SwiftUI? You’re in the right place! Here are the answers to your burning questions:

What’s the simplest way to bind two or more ScrollViews for scrolling together in SwiftUI?

You can use the `ScrollView`’s `offset` property and `GeometryReader` to bind the scrolling of multiple ScrollViews together. Create a `@State` variable to store the offset, and then use it to set the offset of each ScrollView. This will ensure that when one ScrollView is scrolled, the others will follow.

How can I synchronize the scrolling of multiple ScrollViews with different content sizes?

To synchronize the scrolling of multiple ScrollViews with different content sizes, you can use a single `ScrollView` and embed multiple `LazyVStack`s or `LazyHStack`s inside it. This way, the content of each stack will be scrolled together, even if they have different sizes.

Can I use a single ScrollView to bind the scrolling of multiple lists in SwiftUI?

Yes, you can! Use a single `ScrollView` and embed multiple `List`s or `LazyVGrid`s inside it. You can then use the `offset` property to synchronize the scrolling of each list. This approach is perfect for creating a master-detail layout where multiple lists need to be scrolled together.

How do I handle different scroll speeds when binding multiple ScrollViews together in SwiftUI?

To handle different scroll speeds, you can use a `@State` variable to store the scale factor of each ScrollView. Then, apply the scale factor to the offset of each ScrollView when updating the offset. This will ensure that the scrolling speed is consistent across all ScrollViews, even if they have different content sizes.

Is it possible to bind the scrolling of multiple ScrollViews with custom gestures in SwiftUI?

Yes, it is! You can create a custom gesture using `DragGesture` and `Offset` to synchronize the scrolling of multiple ScrollViews. Then, attach the custom gesture to each ScrollView using the `.gesture` modifier. This approach allows you to customize the scrolling behavior to fit your app’s specific needs.

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